

Bharno block is situated at the east of Gumla . It is 34 km away from Gumla headquarter and 62 km away from Ranchi (capital of Jharkhand state). Its east side touches Ranchi west side Sisai, North side Lohardaga and South side touches Basia block . It is surrounded by rivers, and forest .In this block �Beng hill� is situated at the south-west of Maladin village.Its natural beauty identifies it as a tourist place as well as picnic spot.This hill has a cave where 40-50 people can sit together and sunlight also enters into the cave. In Gumla district it has 1st position in production of green vegetables. SAMSERA DHAM (Shrine) is situated 5 km north of Bharno block headquarter, where devotee from different places come on KARTIC PURNIMA & KARTIC AMAVASYA to meet JAGMOHAN BABA to fulfill their desire .

Bharno Block
Title Value
Total Number of Panchayat 12
Total Number of Villages 69
Total Number of Primary Schools 59
Total Number of Middle Schools 45
Total Number of High Schools 08
Total Number of College 00
Total Population 152577
Total Population of Male 76414
Total Population of Female 76163
Total Population of SC 2510
Total Population of ST 112716
Total number of Literate Male 43483
Total number of Literate Female 30031
Total number of CSC
Total number of Bank 05
Total number of Government Hospital 01
Total number of CHC 01
Total number of PHC 03
Total number of HSC
Total number of ATM 01
Total number of Post Office 06
Total number of Thana
Total number of PDS
Total number of Petrol Pumps
Total number of Anganwadi